students with their teacher

Learning Support

In Reception to Year 3, pupils receive additional help, if required, from our learning support teaching assistants lead by the School’s Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator, Mrs Debi Wright (, who also works with children either individually or in a small group. This is in addition to the normal day to day support pupils receive from the class teacher.

Additionally, in Reception and Year 1, we have full time teaching assistants for each class who can work with pupils on programmes of support developed and monitored by the class teacher and Mrs Wright. There are two full time teaching assistants in Years 2 and 3 who share their time between the classes and work in a similar way.

Parents of pupils who are receiving this support are kept informed through a series of termly meetings, parents’ evenings and school reports.

Pupils in Years 4 and above who have a diagnosed special educational need, for example dyslexia are supported through the provision of Individual Education Plans (IEP). Mrs Wright with input from parents and teachers, writes IEPs which highlight an individual’s strengths and offers strategies for teachers to use in the classroom to support them.

In addition, we have differentiated groups in English and Maths from Year 4, and academic tutors for pupils who need some extra support or guidance.

Beyond the classroom