Male teacher in a navy suit, sitting at a desk with Reception pupils, helping them sort coloured beads
Two girls and a boy in their grey school uniform are sitting in a classroom. They are all smiling and have made constructions from interlocking colourful plastics

Wraparound Care

Breakfast Club and Before School Club

Breakfast Club is open to pupils to all year groups between 7:30 – 8:00am, offering a range of cereal, fresh fruit, yogurt and fruit juices.

The Before School Club is available from 8:00 – 8:25am every morning to children in Reception to Year 2, and from 8:00am pupils in Year 3 – 6 are supervised in the senior playground.

Both clubs operate on a drop in basis, and are located in the art room, pre-booking is not required.

Current charges:
Breakfast Club Reception to Year 2:  7:30am-8:00am: £7.50

Before School Club Reception to Year 2: 8:00am-8.25am: £5.50 [Families with an eldest child in Years 3 to 6 (Seniors) may take their younger child to the Before School Club in the Art Room from 8.00am free of charge]

Breakfast Club Year 3 to 6: 7:30am-8:00am: £7.50 [From 8:00am Years 3-6 children are supervised in the senior playground]

After School Club Reception to Year 3

Reception and Year 1 are able to attend the After School Club between 3:00 – 6:00pm.

Pupils in Years 2 and 3 can attend between 3:30 – 6:00pm.

The After School Club is based in the art room, giving children supervised access to puzzles, art activities and educational games. After School Club operates on a drop in basis.

Current charges:
Reception and Year 1: 3:00pm-6:00pm: £4.00 per 30 minutes [Small snack and drink provided, high tea served at 4.45pm]

Year 2 and Year 3: 3:30pm-6:00pm: £4.00 per 30 minutes [Small snack and drink provided, high tea served at 4.45pm]

Homework and After School Club Years 4 to 6

A homework club is available to Years 4 to 6 between 4:00 – 6:00pm, giving pupils the opportunity to complete homework under teacher supervision.  A small snack is provided [4:00-5:00pm] and high tea is provided at 5:00pm for those children staying to join the ASC [5:00-6:00pm].  Homework Club operates on a drop in basis.

Current charges:

4:00-5:00pm: £4.75 per 30 minutes [Small snack and drink provided]

5:00-6:00pm: £4.00 per 30 minutes [High tea provided at 5:00pm]


Beyond the classroom