Girl with bunches is looking up and smiling. She's holding a pen and about to write in her schoolbook
Two boys sitting at their desks, writing in their text books with yellow pencils

School Life

At The Mall, the time the pupils spend outside the classroom is just as important as the time spent on the academic curriculum. We offer an exciting and varied range of physical, cultural and recreational activities during and after the school day and  pupils are all encouraged to take part and try out new things which may develop into a lifelong interest or pursuit.

Pupils regularly go out locally and further afield on day trips to enrich their learning and increase their awareness of life beyond school. From Year 3, children have annual residential experiences and there is a ski trip for older pupils each Easter.

We offer an extended day from 7.30am until 6.00pm. Pupils can have their breakfast at school and when the school day ends, there are many clubs and activities they can take part in or they can join our after school care programme for younger pupils or homework club for the older ones.

In their final year at The Mall, pupils experience a leavers’ programme which introduces them to skills they will need at their senior school as well as a range of trips and activities to enjoy with their friends.


What people say about The Mall....

Super successful at finding a boy’s talents, whatever they are, and fostering them.

Parent Exit Survey 2019

The Mall is a fantastic school and I know I have made the right choice for my son. He loves going to school each day and talks very fondly of all his teachers and class mates. The headmaster is down to earth and very approachable. He knows the individual boys by their names and always has their best interests at heart. He is very knowledgeable and I feel my son is in the best hands to get a well rounded education in preparation for senior school.

Beyond the classroom