Resources to support home learning

In addition to the online learning platforms, the children use regularly here are some additional ideas for where children can access other resources to help keep them engaged during lockdown.

The children know how important regular reading is and so we have put together a reading guide to help them with their reading and access relevant books to read. We also encourage children to complete book reviews- either in writing or video format.

Mall Parents Say...

“We just wanted to drop you a line to say a big thank you for delivering such a successful return to home schooling this week. It’s very clear a considerable amount of time, thought and effort has gone into making this work as best as it can for all, which has certainly come through in abundance this week given the success of the online teaching and related content. It’s certainly made our job as parents much easier and allows us to focus on supporting the boys where we can be of greater benefit to them during the day.”

Email from current parents of boys in Years 4 and 6, January 2021

Beyond the classroom

The Mall School
Join us for our 7+ to 9+ Discovery Day and Open Morning

On Tuesday 11th February, we will be hosting an exciting Discovery Day for boys and girls aged 7-9 to join the school in September 2025 in Years 3-5.

Parents and children are invited to join us at our Open Morning on Thursday 30th January.

Register your place today