3 children looking at their own PCs

Category: Uncategorised

Year 1 – 2022 Calendars

12th January 22

1C have been learning about the cycle of the seasons,…

Library re-opening event

6th October 21

We were delighted to officially re-open the library on Monday evening….

Reception settle into school life

28th September 21

Our new Reception boys are now fully settled into school…

Reception to Year 2 Sports Day

14th July 21

Reception to Year 2 had their Sports Day at Sunbury…

Mad Hatter’s Tea Party

14th July 21

While the older boys were out for Expeditions Day, Reception…

Expeditions Day returns

14th July 21

We were delighted that boys in Years 2 to 5…

Earth Day 2021

27th April 21

Last week marked Earth Day 2021 and during the week…

Activities Day

23rd March 21

All the boys enjoyed an on-site Activities Day on Monday….

Year 6 celebrate another set of outstanding 11+ offers and awards

23rd March 21

The Mall School celebrates third year of 11+ success. Boys…

Year 2 test out their maths skills

23rd September 20

Year 2 have been using the laptops to practise their…

Beyond the classroom

The Mall School
Join us for our Open Morning

Tuesday 24th September at 9.30am

Register your place today.
