students working in maths


Registration fee £95
Acceptance Deposit £1300*
(*refunded when a pupil leaves the school provided notice given)
For each sibling thereafter, the deposit is reduced by 40% to £780
(inclusive of lunch, text – books, stationery, games and swimming).
Reception to Year 2 Fees £5260 per term
Year 3 to 6 Fees £5910 per term

For more information about the costs of extra curricular activities please see the extra curricular pages.

No remission of fees is possible in the event of absence through illness, but an insurance scheme is available for parents who wish to cover this possibility.

In the event of a pupil’s withdrawal from the school a full term’s notice in writing to the Headmaster is required or one term’s fees in lieu of notice.

Girls joining The Mall during the early stages of the move to co-education will be pioneers of a new development for the school. To reflect this the Governors have decided that girls joining the school in Reception in the academic years 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 will receive appropriate fee discounts across their first four years at the school (Reception to Year 3).

Girls joining Year 2 in September 2024 will receive an appropriate fee discount for the academic years 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 (Year 2 and Year 3). When the girls move into Year 4 they will pay full fees. Only girls who join Year 2 at the start of the academic year (Wednesday 4th September 2024) will be eligible for the discount, it will not be offered to any girls who join the school after this date.

Please contact for more information about the fee discounts.

Pupil Absence Insurance @ 0.73% (optional)
Personal Accident Insurance £5.00 per term (compulsory)


The Mall School is committed to broadening access to the school by awarding bursaries from the age pf 7+ to parents who are otherwise unable to afford school fees.  Applications for bursaries are dealt with in confidence, and on an individual basis. Please contact for more information.

Beyond the classroom