Blonde-haired schoolgirl stands at the front of a group of three, with two boys behind her. They are all in The Mall School theatre
Ignite the love of learning...
An independent co-educational school for children aged 6 months to 11 years.
Happy group of schoolboys standing in the school corridor near their pegs. They're wearing The Mall School uniform
A family community.
A joined-up school where you are known.
Diverse. Inspiring. Caring.
Bringing life skills to the fore.
Two schoolboys in The Mall School uniform, are building a mini circuit in the Science lab
Enjoy excellence.
Pupils bring together a rare combination of success, zest and humour.
Older boy pupil with younger girl, both in the library reading a colourful book
Outstanding facilities.
High quality facilities allow for breadth of learning across the curriculum.

The Mall School

The word ‘family‘ is frequently referred to when pupils, staff and parents talk about The Mall. We are small enough to know every pupil and their family individually, cultivating meaningful and authentic relationships. Yet, we show greatness in all we do in the classroom, through our high-end resources, our pupil’s sense of ambition and our school’s emphasis on personal growth. We enjoy excellence at every turn.

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student swimming
Facilities at The Mall

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Our incredible Year 5-6 Choir had an exciting day at Wellington College, alongside 300 children from other local schools. They were attending the annual Prep Schools Choral Day which this year was led by the inspirational Dan Ludford-Thomas (conductor of the National Children’s Choir amongst many other things).

The choir learned five new pieces of music including multiple gospel songs and gave a concert to impressed parents at the end of the day. It was a wonderful learning and music making experience for everyone involved and the pupils proudly represented The Mall!😀👏

#themallschool #twickenham #richmond #middlesex #independentschool #prepschool #wellingtoncollege #prepschoolchoralday
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Pupil Perspectives

  • Hear from our School Captain - Pupil Perspectives

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