7th March 25
Our exciting Book Week activities began on Monday 3rd March and the pupils engaged in many activities including an author visit, travelling book fair, dress up day and book cover competitions.
On Wednesday 5th March, the pupils had the opportunity to meet author Margaret Bateson-Hill. Each year group (including our nursery children) took part in a reading session, with Margaret bringing her stories to life through singing and with props. The pupils were fully engaged throughout and were fortunate enough to find out the inspiration behind her stories. It was wonderful to have the nursery children join us in the library for a session with Margaret and our Reception class, all the children were able to join in with her songs.
Our Reception and Year 1 classes also took part in crafting workshops with Margaret, inspired by her book Five Little Ducks, making their very own duck masks. They worked on their fine motor skills and got to ask Margaret many questions about her books and her drive to become an author.
On Friday, pupils and staff participated in our character dress up day. We saw many Harry Potter’s throughout the day, as well as Stick Man, Isadora Moon, Diary of a Wimpy Kid and many more recognisable characters. Thank you to our staff for getting involved with dressing up, including Mr Gosden, who gave a brilliant assembly on Amelia Earheart and why she is such a great role model. During the assembly, the results of our book cover competition were revealed. One pupil from each class was rewarded with a Waterstone’s gift voucher for creating an incredible cover inspired by their favourite book.
Throughout the week, we were fortunate enough to have the travelling book fair come to The Mall. Pupils in all year groups had the opportunity to discover a range of new books and choose their favourite to take home. Reading is an important part of our pupils’ time at The Mall, from Reception. They have full access to our library and many of our pupils’ have read over one million words, with them being rewarded with a millionaire reading certificate in our weekly whole school assembly. Reading improves children’s academic outcomes and also their wellbeing, emotional development and sense of themselves as a reader.
We look forward to our Book Drive next week, where pupils can donate their old books to donate to those in need.