Girl with two plaits is using a colourful abacus to count
Boy wearing glasses, writing in his schoolbook with a black and yellow pencil
Older boy pupil with younger girl, both in the library reading a colourful book

What happened this week at The Mall!

23rd September 24

boy smiling
16th – 21st September

We’ve had another fantastic week at The Mall – Year 2 have been on their first trip of the year to a Gurdwara, sports fixtures took place for Years 4 to 6 and Reception took part in their first swimming lessons.


Reception have already been showing great enthusiasm in their French lessons with Madame Cappell. They have learned to introduce themselves and say their names in French. The children were able to colour in their own name cards to help them remember.

Year 1

Year 1 have started learning about the human body and in their art lessons over the last three weeks have been learning to draw a self-portrait.

Year 2

In their science lessons, Year 2 have been investigating materials that can change shape permanently and temporarily.

The children also enjoyed their first trip of the year, as they visited the Gurdwara in Hounslow and loved learning how to say the alphabet.

Year 3

Year 3 have started a cartoon project in their ICT lessons. They used Make Beliefs Comix to begin their own comic strip incorporating characters, a brightly coloured background and dialogue.

Year 4

Year 4 have been using the Bunsen Burner for the first time – an exciting moment in the science lab, with the emphasis on safety and how to adjust the air hole. To begin, we heat water to measure its boiling point with thermometers, and we consider what is happening when water boils. We then go on to draw a graph plotting the temperature of water over time as it heats up and cools down.

Year 5

In science, Year 5 have been recovering soluble substances (salt and sugar) from water by evaporation. The salt experiment is interesting because it relates to how we get salt from sea water, and the sugar because the residue when the water evaporates is not sugar but caramel. The follow-up is to leave sugar solution out to evaporate naturally and see if we end up with a pile of sugar.

Year 5 have also been separating mixtures in their science lessons by sieving, filtering and evaporation, as part of their half-termly unit on properties and changes of materials. The mixtures include sandy water, floury water, salty sand, and sandy rice. Filtering, more than once if needed, to get a clear solution is more interesting than it sounds, and there is plenty of science involved. We go on to look at how heat changes materials, burning in air, and, of course, fire safety.

Year 6

Our Year 6 football team recently took part in the Epsom College 6-a-side tournament, competing against strong opposition across five group matches. As the tournament progressed, they grew more confident and assured in their play, demonstrating great teamwork and determination.

Finishing second in the group, the team advanced to the Trophy semi-final. The game ended in a draw, and unfortunately, we were edged out in the penalty shootout. It was a tough but valuable lesson for the pupils, who, although disappointed, showed great sportsmanship and reflected on how proud they were of each other for the way they played throughout the tournament.

A huge well done to the team for their efforts and teamwork.

Beyond the classroom