Year 6 Science Presentations

3rd June 24

students in class

Year 6 have been undertaking mini projects in science on a topic of their choice, which gives them the opportunity to follow their own lines of enquiry and to develop their knowledge and understanding of specific topics. They present their work to the rest of the class, fielding questions at the end from the audience. Topics presented so far have included ‘Black holes’  ‘Special relativity’, ‘Maglev trains’, ‘Space exploration’, ‘Anti-matter’, and ‘Which are the smartest animals?’.

Some of the presentations can be watched below.

Year 6 present ‘Anti-Matter’.

Year 6 present ‘Which animals are the smartest?’

Year 6 present trains and their aerodynamics.


Beyond the classroom

The Mall School
Join us for our 7+ to 9+ Discovery Day and Open Morning

On Tuesday 11th February, we will be hosting an exciting Discovery Day for boys and girls aged 7-9 to join the school in September 2025 in Years 3-5.

Parents and children are invited to join us at our Open Morning on Thursday 30th January.

Register your place today